Westchester Region NAACP Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics Coalition, NY

40 Years of ACTSO Celebration

The Westchester Region NAACP ACT-SO Coalition invites you to an evening of ACT-SO accomplished students and a presentation of honor Mrs. Zennie S. Johnson, founder of the Westchester Cotillion Committee.

Entertainment, Dinner, Raffle and Good Company!

Sunday, November 4, 2018 – 4:00pm to 7:00pm

Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
468 Rosedale Avenue, White Plains, NY

RSVP by October 20, 2018 By Mail: Make checks out to Westchester Region ACT-SO CoalitionP.O. Box 321, Tarrytown, N’Y 10.5,191 

By Email: Cecilia Davis actsocecilia@gmaiil.oom

By Telephone: 914-737-0928 or 914-391-5435

Admission: $60 adults, $12 students (age 13-18)

Westchester Region ACT-SO Coalition, Inc. is a non profit organization with a 501c(3) status and your donation is tax deductible.